Monday, February 27, 2012

February 27, 2012

Hey Everyone,

This week was absolutely incredible. Literally every single day i had one of the most amazing experiences of my life that left me stunned at just how much God loves me and is willing to help me. I almost cant even believe the experiences that i had, and im just glad that i wrote them down in my journal so that i never forget them. I have every day of my mission written down, and im actually in my fourth journal and have almost written 600 pages. its hard to write sometimes and makes me go to sleep even later alot of times, but these experiences are just too important not to write down. I feel like these four journals i have are just as important as whatever other book of scriptures that God has given me. I know that im not puting any of these experiences in the email, but its just because they are so amazing and i honestly dont know how to explain them well enough, so ill just wait til i get back to explain them better in person. thanks everyone for your support and emails. i know that im not the best at responding, but it means alot to me that you write. 

Love Elder Anderson. 

oh and the pics are of Lorenas of the amazing experiences of the week. the other is of when the people here poured buckets of water on us and sprayed us with a hose yesterday because literally everyone in Quillabamba was having water wars yesterday! we unfortunately couldnt work too much though ha. chao!

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